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Agenda of the 272th PPI BOARD MEETING
--- 27.1.2021 13:00 UTC/14:00 CEST ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bailey, Mike, Bastian, Gregory, Keith, Manuel, Gregory
unexcused: Dan, Carlos

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Svein
unexcused: Ji Yong, Thomas


Meeting opened at 13:07 UTC by Bailey
Meeting chaired by Bailey
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with (out of 9) board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 13:07 UTC
Postal votes: none
Notes on meeting process: none


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Mike, Keith, Bailey, Gregory, Bastian, Manuel
No :
Abstain :
Result: Approved


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Keith: Nothing special to report. Reviewed ECOSOC and our groundspass situation. Posted Mike's write up of the PPCZ coalition on our website. We could use more stories like this.
  • Dario:
  • Bastian:
All the financial information I have is on the PPI wiki. But I need access to the bank account as soon as possible.
I have been taking care of the PPI technology as I do every day. All systems are running fine.
The management of our mailing lists is fixed. There was an automatic security update without notice that changed the API for the web interface. Tricky job to fix the problem.

The board's mail address is unfortunately flooded with spam. We need to increase the greylisting, but we need to balance it because otherwise we get false positive rejections.

Every board member has access to our website as an editor.
  • Manuel: Recieved a request for help from PPCL regarding material for statutory and procedural reform for their Court of Arbitration, proceeded to compile statues and RoP, with the purpose of delivering a report or summary of norm and elements of interest for their reform process. Given the Whatsapp-Facebook controversial data-sharing, I'm researching its implications and impact regarding ad-profiling and privacy, to create some sort of report or paper as a reference material for our member organizations, both for internal work and campaigning. Due to the spam issue mentioned by Bastian, I have been using the subscription forms sometimes available, for some clearly evident spam emails.
  • Mike: Revamped our own Wiki, updated the public PPI Wikipedia page. Fished within the PPCZ for potential staffers with limited success (we'll see). Looked into the UN office in Santiago de Chile (not Ecosoc), but we can probably send someone there if there's an event. Resolved the Finnish PP question (below). Then I went AWOL and had to save my grades as not to be kicked out of uni. And it worked, so my apologies for being missing these past two weeks; it was worth it. On Keith's suggestion: I'm working on the first thing like what he mentioned - it should be kind of "day in a life of a PP chapter or party"; first one on my own chapter, then I'll ask other parties to do something similar.
  • Gregory: Updated UN registrations for Vienna. Worked on the POD providers to integrate into the woocommerce. Continued cleaning up Redmine. Submitted two proposals to Rightscon. Submitted three proposals to EuroDIG. Otherwise occuppied in election campaign - i am running for reelection for the local council on March 14th.
  • Dan: -
  • Carlos: -
  • Bailey: Wrote and published the invite for the SCENE meeting on Feb.3rd and did some promotion for it, as well as for this Friday's social. I also wrote a plan for the year as well as some social media guidelines and suggestions. Twitter stuff (tweeting, RTing, in general just keeping the account active). Manuel and I chatted yesterday about PPCL reforming their statutes and how they are looking for examples from other parties, which made me think of setting up the next SCULL meeting to focus on statutes.

Plan 2021: Social media guidelines/suggestions: (Gregory's List )


  • Svein:

Working on the upcoming norwegian parlamentary election. We're assembling 19 lists for all the Norwegian constituencies.

  • Ji Yong: -
  • Thomas: -

5.1 - Proposals

   Issue: Demotion of the PP Finland from ordinary to observer membership (upon its own request)
   Submitted by: Mike
   Justification: Upon my clarification request on the matter of Finnish membership within the PPI, Juho Karvinen, one of PP Finland's vice-chairs, replied on Januray 11th 2021 (to me and the entire board) that PP Finland still does wish to leave the PPI (their previous withdrawal got somehow miscommunicated way back in 2016 and was never properly delivered). He also expressed PP Finland's desire to remain within the PPI as an observer member. 
   Therefore, Finland leaves PPI of its own volition according to section VII paragraph (1) of the Statutes of the PPI. As far as I can tell from the Statutes, there's no clarification whether an automated transfer from ordinary to observer membership is possible (if there's any precedent for this, please, let me know). My opinion is that we should allow it, since downgrading to another kind of membership upon member's own request doesn't violate the will of the rest of the membership, which admitted the member in question into PPI, especially since PP Finland is a founding member, present at the 2010 Brussels conference.

   Motion: The Board takes note of the PP Finland's notification about it leaving the PPI on January 11th 2021. It also approves the PP Finland's wish to be re-classified as an observer memeber. 

Bailey: Back in 2016 head of the Finnish Pirates informed me they're withdrawing. Me being new back they, I didn't want a "paper" withdrawal from then. So by our statutes, they didn't really leave, until now. I appreciate they would like to stick around as an observer member.
Manuel: It's not very clear how to demote members based on the statutes. The statutes do not recognise this thing. However, given the void, it makes sense for the Board to fill it through this process of demotion.
PP Finland's re-classification as an observer member
* The Board takes note of the PP Finland's notification about it leaving the PPI on January 11th 2021. It also approves the PP Finland's wish to be re-classified as an observer memeber.
Yes : Keith, Manuel, Bailey, Bastian, Mike, Gregory
No :
Abstain :
Result: Approved

5.2 - Working Groups Update

  • SCENE Meeting Feb 3rd: Campaigning during COVID-19 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET)
no date set yet
  • Next SCULL meeting at the end of February, topic is Statutes (if everyone agrees)
Will be set soon.

5.3 Economic Update

Bastian: We need to send out invoices for membership fees. We also need for the parties to let as know what tier are they in.


Letters and grounds passes for all the EU offices
Keith: Geneva and NYC are kind of a mute point now as nobody can go there. Vienna is in the works.
Gregory: There's the IGF planning event. We'll discuss it at SCUBA.

5.5 PPI HQ update

Mike: Will get to the changes ASAP.

6 AOB - Any other business

  • Our first social of 2021 is this Friday. It will be like Pirate Beer, starting at 20:00 UTC/21:00 CET in this BBB room.
Gregory: I would like to propose we try out this now platform I found. Wonder platform: (ask me for Host password)
Bailey: I'll set up a pad for this and send it out.
  • Letter about the "Unicorn Gate" from PPAT
Keith: We received letter from PPAT today.
Bailey: We'll read it individually and then decide whether and how to react to it as a group.
  • Next Meeting: 17.02.2021, 13:00 UTC/14:00 CET/08:00 EST
  • Meeting Closed: 14:45 UTC