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--- 21.4.2021 12:00 UTC/14:00 CEST ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bastian, Bailey, Keith, Gregory,
excused: Mike, Manuel

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Ji Yong
excused: Svein
Tan Siret Akinci (PP-TR)


Meeting opened at 12:09 UTC by Bailey
Meeting chaired by Bailey
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with (5 out of 9) board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 12:09 UTC
Postal votes: none
Notes on meeting process: none


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Mike, Bastian, Keith, Bailey, Gregory
No :
Abstain : Ji Yong
Result: Minutes are approved


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Keith: Helped draft the ECOSOC report with Mike and Manuel. Investigated a bit more on having us set up our own blockchain service and ensuring that our current account with Kraken is registered. The latter is more urgent.
  • Dario: -
  • Bastian:
All the financial information I have is on the PPI wiki. But I need access to the bank account as soon as possible. #Groundhog
I also need a shadow account for Kraken (Bitcoin) - maybe let us talk about later.
I took care of the PPI tech as I do every day. All systems are running fine, necessary updates are made. ;-)
  • Manuel: -
  • Mike: -
Had consultations with Bailey and Bastian
  • Dan: -
  • Carlos: -
  • Bailey: Still preparing for the Pirate discussion on Cannabis legalization organized by PPCL. We are meeting again on Friday and then possibly recording/streaming the talk next week. I've written a GA announcement as well as set up a Discourse forum for the GA, I will post the links below. We just have to decide on the date but otherwise, we are pretty much ready to announce it publicly and start preparing. When reviewing the minutes from last meeting I realized that I did not send out a Doodle for a RoP meeting like I said I would, sorry about that. I've written myself a reminder so we can do that before the next meeting.

GA invite: Discourse forum:


  • Svein: -
  • Ji Yong: - First attendance
  • Thomas: -

5.1 - Proposals

  • Issue: Blockchain-Based Issues
Submitted by: Keith
Justification: Prior decisions and technological developments encourage us to integrate blockchain policies into our organization, both for financial and information technology purposes.
  1. 1-> Create a verified crypto wallet for the organization (requires ID), which will enable deposit and withdrawls to our bank account. Update the spreadsheets for transparency.
Bastian is offering his ID due to Swiss bank accounts verifications.
  1. 2-> Proposal for policy that PPI will keep x% of its funds in specific crypto currencies as a financial policy. :Does this need GA approval, considering our 2015 GA decision to accept membership fees in cryptocurrency? What percentage should we consider? Currently we have about 900 euros in our accounts.
We will have to discuss with the GA about this, and we consider something like a 50/50 split.
  1. 3-> Proposal that PPI creates its own Pirate currency, paired with a partner token, established on a proof of space blockchain.
---> :-)
This also should go to the GA.
  1. 4->Creation of working group that explores further PPI documentation of materials and information using proof of space blockhain.
We can fit this under the SCURVY working group meetings.
Keith will set up a Doodle to schedule a meeting and take charge of this meeting.

  • Issue: News Email signup
Submitted by: Keith
Justification: We now have a mailing list thanks to Bastian. or We need a self enroll link. And also, please assign admins who have sending rights, but keep the members hidden. Advertising our news sign up with the Google grant would be good. We need to make content for the news and have a plan to submit routinely.
We also have the new mailing list
This can go under the SCENE Working Group.
Bastian set up a Doodle for the Pirate Times, so why don't we discuss this issue with the same meeting.
Motion: Newsletter Working Group

  • Issue: Participating in Özgürkon
Submitted by: Tan Siret Akıncı - PPTR
Justification: Firstly initiated a year ago, the FOSS event named Özgürkon will be held today on May 15-16, 2021. Gregory Engels participated in it last year and the event got quite the attention. You can find the details about the event here:

Motion: A similar or greater participation to the event.
Motion: Discussing the partnership ( )

  • Issue: Date for Spring General Assembly

Submitted by: Bailey

Justification: We need to decide on the date for our Spring GA. I would like to propose a Saturday in June, since that will be halfway through the year and if we get started on organizing now, we have plenty of time. I suggest either June 12th, 19th or 26th.

Motion: Vote on these dates and any additional suggestions for the Spring GA.

Bailey will send out a doodle to our members with the 3 proposed dates.

Issue: Tool for Spring General Assembly

Submitted by: Bailey

Justification: We also need to decide on how to run the GA. Obviously it will be entirely online, but we have to choose which tool. Should we go with Mumble again, or something with video like 8x8?

Motion: Vote on which tool to use for the GA whether that be audio only (Mumble) or with video.

We will also ask our members for their preferences on this.

5.2 - Working Groups Update

After talking with Manuel, SCULL meeting on statutes is on hold for now until PPCL is ready.

Not necessarily under an official working group, but on Sunday 25th at 17:00 UTC/19:00 CEST there will be a meeting with Sjoerd and possibly others from the PPNL tech crew to discuss membership data management.

5.3 Economic Update

No news


We drafted the following statement that will be submitted soon.

5.5 PPI HQ update

No News Mike is working on it very hard.

6 AOB - Any other business

Pirate beer (dinner) this Saturday. We'll be mixing it up again this time and starting a little early, at 17:30 UTC/19:30 CEST with a cookout! So join us and let's cook and eat delicious food together! Of course feel free to join at any time that evening as the event will still be going at its usual time.

  • Next Meeting: 12.05.2021, 12:00 UTC/14:00 CEST/08:00 EDT
  • Meeting Closed: 13:22 UTC