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--- 17.2.2021 13:00 UTC/14:00 CEST ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bastian,Bailey, Mike, Keith, Gregory, Dario, Gregory
excused: Manuel(see report)
unexcused: Dan, Carlos
Quorum: o.k.

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
excused: Svein
unexcused: Jo Yong, Thomas
participating: Tan Siret Akinci, Adrian Maruszak, Fabian


Meeting opened at 13:05 UTC by Bailey
Meeting chaired by Bailey
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with (6 out of 9) board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 13:00 UTC
--- 17.2.2021 13:00 UTC/14:00 CEST ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bastian,Bailey, Mike, Keith, Gregory, Dario, Gregory
excused: Manuel(see report)
unexcused: Dan, Carlos
Quorum: o.k.

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
excused: Svein
unexcused: Jo Yong, Thomas
participating: Tan Siret Akinci, Adrian Maruszak, Fabian


Meeting opened at 13:05 UTC by Bailey
Meeting chaired by Bailey
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with (out of 9) board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 13:00 UTC
Postal votes: none
Notes on meeting process: none


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Manuel, Mike, Keith, Bailey, Dario, Bastian, Gregory
No :
Abstain :
Result: approved


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Keith: I am planning a blog about our elections, which are on March 23. Attended the Twitter meeting with Gregory, Manuel, and others.
  • Dario: I've working on the electoral campaign for the Catalonian Parliament. Our coalition, where we are one organization of eleven - it's quite wide although focused on the left-wing - organizations got 9 parliament members. I also participated in a elections-related initiative about digital voting, where 2.000 people participated. Pirate-y things I will work now are in some legal adaptations for PP-CAT, and a voting system for PP-LU for parliamentary issues.
  • Bastian:
All the financial information I have is in the PPI wiki. But I need access to the bank account as soon as possible.
I have been taking care of the PPI technique as I do every day. All systems are running fine.
The 500 error from today 13:14 CET in the wiki was fixed as soon as possible (13:36 CET).
Hopefully we solved the spam problem (until next time) ;-)
Every board member has access to our website as an editor.
  • Manuel: I’m unable to attend today because my mother will undergo surgery in less than an hour. I apologize for the inconvenience. Since our last meeting, I attended the SCENE meeting, the Pirate Beer and the Twitter Team meeting for new applicants. I have continued with my reports on CoAs rules of procedure and the Whatsapp privacy threats, but haven’t been able to finish them because of a new responsibility that I got as student representative at my university; I’m trying to develop an Android app to show my student Wordpress website without a browser, so my peers can stay updated about the faculties. The eventual result of this work can help PPI to do the same with our website, if it’s perceived as useful.
  • Mike: Finishing the article on the Czech Pirates, when ready (hopefully soon but there's something new every day), should act as an example for what I'd expect from other parties to write about themselves so we can post it. Readied both forms for the PPHQ changes (not sent yet), drafted mail to members. In touch with the Turks and Australians. Been at the SCENE meeting of which we should do more. Didn't make the Twitter meeting though - sorry. Also lost patience with Olivia once or twice.
  • Gregory: I have attended the SCENE meeting and have presented various campaign tricks to the people who have been present. I have put up a call for volunteers to add to our Twitter team - we have met on monday with the twitter team, and have added new people to the list. There are more people who have volunteered, but we have not talked yet. I downloaded the twitter stats for the last three years and started analyzing it. With Bailey we had been preparing the PPI Barcamp. Besides of that, I am quite busy for the comming month because of the local election campaign.
  • Dan: -
  • Carlos: -
  • Bailey: I attended the SCENE meeting which went well, and our first social of the year which also went well. =) I've been doing a bit of tweeting and also some writing. I wrote an invite to the BarCamp at the end of the month and set up our Airmeet room for that, as well as an invite for the next SCULL meeting, but I'd like to confirm a good date with PPCL since the meeting was inspired by them. I was not able to start writing the statement on abusers as per the motion from PPNL, but I set up a pad for it.
Abuser Motion:


  • Svein: -
  • Ji Yong: -
  • Thomas: -

5.1 - Proposals

   Issue: Social media directors and oversight of social media posts
   Submitted by: Keith
   Justification: We have a void and it needs to be filled. We need to nominate trustworthy people to oversee
 Twitter, FB, Telegram, and other channels. We have had issues with prior social media directors who felt constrained, yet they also made contentious posts that others found inappropriate. This led to uncomfortable situations and bad vibes, which we do not want to repeat. Any seemingly controversial announcements that extend beyond PPI activities or clear policy perspectives should be presented to a social media group for review. At present such a group exists only for FB. Posts that were removed should be presented to the board for review, ex post facto. There is a dizzying real time pace of social media, and the directors should not be blamed for posting anything inappropriate so long as they are willing to accept the board's decision to remove them. The social media director should be lauded for constantly posting, and so we must ensure that we are not limiting or
 blaming the directors. The decision of what is appropriate is quite gray, and so we must give the director some leeway to post things but also to erase them if we feel they were not appropriate. Directors should agree to this limitation in advance, with the understanding that PPI social media represent collective decision making. Since the motion was drafted we held a Twitter information and coordination session to get new people involved. During the meeting we agreed that we would communicate in the Twitter chat messages for the group. 
   Motion: Approve the new members of the Twitter group to serve as directors and ensure that any concerning posts are discussed in this group, either before posting or after. Ensure that any deleted or concerning posts are tagged and reviewed by the board.

New members of the Twitter group: Fabian @Oberaichwald from Germany and @josemariacasas from Catalunya.

  • People on the team:
Bailey, like the drink @UptheCypherPunx
Bastian @bastianbb
Dario Castañé @darccio
Fabian @Oberaichwald
Gregory Engels Ⓟ @dichter
Jose M. Casas 'two-' @josemariacasas
Keith Goldstein @goldstein_keith
Manuel Caicedo @_ManuelCaicedo
Mike Gill @MichalGill
Märt Põder @trtram
Pat Mächler @Valio_ch
Piratenpartij @Piratenpartij
Thomas de Groot @ThomasDamsko
Thomas Gaul @Thomas1G
Manuel: I vote yes on this motion. As I participated on the Twitter Team meeting, I think that the new members showed enough knowledge about social media, engagement, and participation within their local Pirate Party, for us to be able to appoint them as directors of the team, without any notable issues.
Do we approve of the following Twitter monitors?
* Approve the new members of the Twitter group (listed above) to serve as directors and ensure that any concerning posts are discussed in this group, either before posting or after. Ensure that any deleted or concerning posts are tagged and reviewed by the board.
Yes : Mike, Gregory, Dario, Keith,Bailey, Manuel, Bastian
No :
Abstain :
Result: motion passed

   Issue: Recognition of new PPTR organization and administration
   Submitted by: Tan Siret AKINCI - PPTR Refoundation Comittee
   Justification: As I have stated to PPI in behalf of PPTR's Refoundation Comittee with a mail, we ask to be recognized as PPTR. The "Korsan Parti Hareketi" (as acknowledged by PPI as well) is inactive for 5 years and currently operates as an asset of an association called "Toplumsal Bilgi ve İletişim Derneği" (, under the initiative of 2 people named Şevket Uyanık and Arda Çetin. Besides being inactive and tied to an association, its also very pacifist/apolitical, that it doesn't represent any political pirate values anymore. Currently we (30~ people, 8-9 of them are from the old PPTR and one of them is the founder and former spokesperson of PPTR called Serhat Koç) are organizing to revive and found PPTR as an actual political organization that partecipates in reelpolitics.  We have already formed close ties with actually existing political parties/organizations such as TİP (Workers' Party of Turkey), SOL Parti (LEFT Party), DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Activity), associations like ÖYD (Free Software Association of Turkey), various LGBT groups like #Birlikteyiz, and foreign pirate parties such as PPGR, PPAU and PPCL. Recognized as the actual PPTR will help us very much as people have curiosity that there is another officially recognized "PPTR" which is quite inactive.
   Motion: Recognize PPTR (Korsan Parti Türkiye) as the representative of pirate politics in Turkey in PPI.

  • Note from Keith: While I applaud the motion, I don't think the board has the ability to approve this motion. The GA will need to approve it. The board can help make sure that the application is submitted properly and should do so right away, ensuring that the vote on this motion is the first order of business of the GA motions.>
Manuel: I second Keith in questioning our competence regarding this motion, because this is not a pending issue from previous Board tenures or GA-approved motions, like the Finland PP demotion we resolved before, but a new petition. I therefore think that we should keep in contact, and provide the necessary documentation so that an appropriate motion can be presented on the next GA.
As a member of PPCL, I don’t have information to confirm our recognition of this ‘new’ PPTR, so I wanted to point that out. Given that it has been pointed out that the proponent of this motions has had previous contact and unpleasant conflict with PPI, I think that any inclusion of this PPTR should be examined more carefully, which is a duty both naturally and procedurally more suited for the upcoming GA.
Tan: Klaus contacted me from PPCL. Also Ernest's refoundation of PPCL supports us.
Dario: I agree with Keith and Manuel, this must be dealed in our next GA.
Bailey: Yes, only the GA can admit a PP as a member.
Mike: Does the new Turkish Party have any members from the old Pirate Party?
Tan: Yes, we do. You can come to our meetings and see what we're about.
Mike: Great. I think the best course of action would be to just consider the re-founding as the continuation of the PP that is already a member. I would suggest, when you have some meeting, just invite us, so we have the opportunity to get to know you.
Tan: We will do that.
Bastian: Appreciation for the Turkish Pirates taking off again.

   Issue: Letter to our members (on fees and multiple GA's)
   Submitted by: Mike
   Justification: At the last board meeting, I was tasked with drafting an e-mail. I only got to it recently, so we might as well discuss it here.
   Motion: none

Text (subject to change):

Dear members of the PPI,
First of all, hello and welcome to 2021; let’s hope it’s going to be a little bit better than 2020.
Second of all, we have two topics we would like to run past you and get your response to both of them:
1)      We would like to move ahead with collection of the last year’s membership fees, which are due this year. But as you know, since Munich 2018 General Assembly, setting of the fees for each member party has been simplified on one hand, but also made a bit less exact and more up to the parties than before.
Thus now we need your best estimate as to in which tier of the four-tier system passed in Munich do you see yourselves. We have our own estimates, but it’s definitely you who has the most current information.
The tiers are as follows, along with their descriptions:
We have a 4-Tier Membership Fee System. Each member category has a distinct affiliation fee payment. No member shall pay more than 2% of their previous annual income. The Four Tiers are as follows:

    Mature members are Established members that also receive regular state funding, have elected officials at state or regional level, and/or have elected officials at local level who receive compensation. (fulfill at least two)

    Established members are Emerging members that also have paying members and run for elections on a regular basis. (fulfill all)

    Emerging members are Nascent members that also collect donations. (fulfill all)

    Nascent members have regular statutory activities, such as general assemblies and run activism projects. (fulfill all)


    Mature Tier pay 1000 euros.

    Established Tier pay 185 euros.

    Emerging Tier pay 50 euros.

    Nascent Tier pay 0 euros.

--Add the spreadsheet with our estimate where each of the parties is. Also some shortening is needed.--

We would therefore liked to ask you to get back to us with the best estimate to which of the tiers do you consider your party to currently belong. Thanks.
2)      The second thing: We would like to pick your brain on how we should plan this year. There’s certainly going to be a General Assembly at the end of the year, as it always is, with elections and such. But just like last year, especially since the pandemic is still raging, we are thinking about one or two more General Assemblies to better keep in touch amongst ourselves.
Please, do let us know what would you think about that, if any additional GA’s are needed, how many and anything else you might think of. Your input is very important to us and we do not want to plan anything our members wouldn’t then like to participate in.

Thank you in advance for your reply and your time. Have a great day!
Bailey Lamon, PPI Chair
on behalf of the PPI Board

Manuel: I approve this draft.
Keith: Looks fine to me. It is a bit long. You should link to the fees in the wiki, with the link below.
Bastian has a table that he prepared. This should be added to the following Wiki link: -> this needs to be corrected with the numbers decided by the GA
   Mature Tier pay 1000 euros.
   Established Tier pay 185 euros.
   Emerging Tier pay 50 euros.

5.2 - Working Groups Update

  • SCULL in a couple of weeks (end of Feb/early March)

5.3 Economic Update

  • Nothing new


  • Grounds passes
Keith: Carlos asked about grounds passes in Geneva.
Mike: I'll try asking for Geneva passes.
Gregory: the NY office is closed, the Geneva office and Vienna office are open for collections of UN Ground Passes.

5.5 PPI HQ update

  • Papers ready to be submitted. Get attachments (passport copies) and then pay (thru Gregory) when needed.

6 AOB - Any other business

  • BarCamp on the 27th (February social) 21.00 hrs. CET.
  • Did everyone read through the document from PPAT regarding the "unicorn case"?
  • Next Meeting: 10.03.2021, 13:00 UTC/14:00 CET/08:00 EST
  • Meeting Closed: 15:33
Postal votes: none
Notes on meeting process: none


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Manuel, Mike, Keith, Bailey, Dario, Bastian, Gregory
No :
Abstain :
Result: approved


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Keith: I am planning a blog about our elections, which are on March 23. Attended the Twitter meeting with Gregory, Manuel, and others.
  • Dario: I've working on the electoral campaign for the Catalonian Parliament. Our coalition, where we are one organization of eleven - it's quite wide although focused on the left-wing - organizations got 9 parliament members. I also participated in a elections-related initiative about digital voting, where 2.000 people participated. Pirate-y things I will work now are in some legal adaptations for PP-CAT, and a voting system for PP-LU for parliamentary issues.
  • Bastian:
All the financial information I have is in the PPI wiki. But I need access to the bank account as soon as possible.
I have been taking care of the PPI technique as I do every day. All systems are running fine.
The 500 error from today 13:14 CET in the wiki was fixed as soon as possible (13:36 CET).
Hopefully we solved the spam problem (until next time) ;-)
Every board member has access to our website as an editor.
  • Manuel: I’m unable to attend today because my mother will undergo surgery in less than an hour. I apologize for the inconvenience. Since our last meeting, I attended the SCENE meeting, the Pirate Beer and the Twitter Team meeting for new applicants. I have continued with my reports on CoAs rules of procedure and the Whatsapp privacy threats, but haven’t been able to finish them because of a new responsibility that I got as student representative at my university; I’m trying to develop an Android app to show my student Wordpress website without a browser, so my peers can stay updated about the faculties. The eventual result of this work can help PPI to do the same with our website, if it’s perceived as useful.
  • Mike: Finishing the article on the Czech Pirates, when ready (hopefully soon but there's something new every day), should act as an example for what I'd expect from other parties to write about themselves so we can post it. Readied both forms for the PPHQ changes (not sent yet), drafted mail to members. In touch with the Turks and Australians. Been at the SCENE meeting of which we should do more. Didn't make the Twitter meeting though - sorry. Also lost patience with Olivia once or twice.
  • Gregory: I have attended the SCENE meeting and have presented various campaign tricks to the people who have been present. I have put up a call for volunteers to add to our Twitter team - we have met on monday with the twitter team, and have added new people to the list. There are more people who have volunteered, but we have not talked yet. I downloaded the twitter stats for the last three years and started analyzing it. With Bailey we had been preparing the PPI Barcamp. Besides of that, I am quite busy for the comming month because of the local election campaign.
  • Dan: -
  • Carlos: -
  • Bailey: I attended the SCENE meeting which went well, and our first social of the year which also went well. =) I've been doing a bit of tweeting and also some writing. I wrote an invite to the BarCamp at the end of the month and set up our Airmeet room for that, as well as an invite for the next SCULL meeting, but I'd like to confirm a good date with PPCL since the meeting was inspired by them. I was not able to start writing the statement on abusers as per the motion from PPNL, but I set up a pad for it.
Abuser Motion:


  • Svein: -
  • Ji Yong: -
  • Thomas: -

5.1 - Proposals

Issue: Social media directors and oversight of social media posts Submitted by: Keith Justification: We have a void and it needs to be filled. We need to nominate trustworthy people to oversee

 Twitter, FB, Telegram, and other channels. We have had issues with prior social media directors who felt constrained, yet they also made contentious posts that others found inappropriate. This led to uncomfortable situations and bad vibes, which we do not want to repeat. Any seemingly controversial announcements that extend beyond PPI activities or clear policy perspectives should be presented to a social media group for review. At present such a group exists only for FB. Posts that were removed should be presented to the board for review, ex post facto. There is a dizzying real time pace of social media, and the directors should not be blamed for posting anything inappropriate so long as they are willing to accept the board's decision to remove them. The social media director should be lauded for constantly posting, and so we must ensure that we are not limiting or
 blaming the directors. The decision of what is appropriate is quite gray, and so we must give the director some leeway to post things but also to erase them if we feel they were not appropriate. Directors should agree to this limitation in advance, with the understanding that PPI social media represent collective decision making. Since the motion was drafted we held a Twitter information and coordination session to get new people involved. During the meeting we agreed that we would communicate in the Twitter chat messages for the group. 

Motion: Approve the new members of the Twitter group to serve as directors and ensure that any concerning posts are discussed in this group, either before posting or after. Ensure that any deleted or concerning posts are tagged and reviewed by the board.

New members of the Twitter group: Fabian @Oberaichwald from Germany and @josemariacasas from Catalunya.

  • People on the team:
Bailey, like the drink @UptheCypherPunx
Bastian @bastianbb
Dario Castañé @darccio
Fabian @Oberaichwald
Gregory Engels Ⓟ @dichter
Jose M. Casas 'two-' @josemariacasas
Keith Goldstein @goldstein_keith
Manuel Caicedo @_ManuelCaicedo
Mike Gill @MichalGill
Märt Põder @trtram
Pat Mächler @Valio_ch
Piratenpartij @Piratenpartij
Thomas de Groot @ThomasDamsko
Thomas Gaul @Thomas1G
Manuel: I vote yes on this motion. As I participated on the Twitter Team meeting, I think that the new members showed enough knowledge about social media, engagement, and participation within their local Pirate Party, for us to be able to appoint them as directors of the team, without any notable issues.
Do we approve of the following Twitter monitors?
* Approve the new members of the Twitter group (listed above) to serve as directors and ensure that any concerning posts are discussed in this group, either before posting or after. Ensure that any deleted or concerning posts are tagged and reviewed by the board.
Yes : Mike, Gregory, Dario, Keith,Bailey, Manuel, Bastian
No :
Abstain :
Result: motion passed

Issue: Recognition of new PPTR organization and administration Submitted by: Tan Siret AKINCI - PPTR Refoundation Comittee Justification: As I have stated to PPI in behalf of PPTR's Refoundation Comittee with a mail, we ask to be recognized as PPTR. The "Korsan Parti Hareketi" (as acknowledged by PPI as well) is inactive for 5 years and currently operates as an asset of an association called "Toplumsal Bilgi ve İletişim Derneği" (, under the initiative of 2 people named Şevket Uyanık and Arda Çetin. Besides being inactive and tied to an association, its also very pacifist/apolitical, that it doesn't represent any political pirate values anymore. Currently we (30~ people, 8-9 of them are from the old PPTR and one of them is the founder and former spokesperson of PPTR called Serhat Koç) are organizing to revive and found PPTR as an actual political organization that partecipates in reelpolitics. We have already formed close ties with actually existing political parties/organizations such as TİP (Workers' Party of Turkey), SOL Parti (LEFT Party), DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Activity), associations like ÖYD (Free Software Association of Turkey), various LGBT groups like #Birlikteyiz, and foreign pirate parties such as PPGR, PPAU and PPCL. Recognized as the actual PPTR will help us very much as people have curiosity that there is another officially recognized "PPTR" which is quite inactive. Motion: Recognize PPTR (Korsan Parti Türkiye) as the representative of pirate politics in Turkey in PPI.

  • Note from Keith: While I applaud the motion, I don't think the board has the ability to approve this motion. The GA will need to approve it. The board can help make sure that the application is submitted properly and should do so right away, ensuring that the vote on this motion is the first order of business of the GA motions.>
Manuel: I second Keith in questioning our competence regarding this motion, because this is not a pending issue from previous Board tenures or GA-approved motions, like the Finland PP demotion we resolved before, but a new petition. I therefore think that we should keep in contact, and provide the necessary documentation so that an appropriate motion can be presented on the next GA.
As a member of PPCL, I don’t have information to confirm our recognition of this ‘new’ PPTR, so I wanted to point that out. Given that it has been pointed out that the proponent of this motions has had previous contact and unpleasant conflict with PPI, I think that any inclusion of this PPTR should be examined more carefully, which is a duty both naturally and procedurally more suited for the upcoming GA.
Tan: Klaus contacted me from PPCL. Also Ernest's refoundation of PPCL supports us.
Dario: I agree with Keith and Manuel, this must be dealed in our next GA.
Bailey: Yes, only the GA can admit a PP as a member.

Mike: Does the new Turkish Party have any members from the old Pirate Party?
Tan: Yes, we do. You can come to our meetings and see what we're about.
Mike: Great. I think the best course of action would be to just consider the re-founding as the continuation of the PP that is already a member. I would suggest, when you have some meeting, just invite us, so we have the opportunity to get to know you.
Tan: We will do that.
Bastian: Appreciation for the Turkish Pirates taking off again.

Issue: Letter to our members (on fees and multiple GA's) Submitted by: Mike Justification: At the last board meeting, I was tasked with drafting an e-mail. I only got to it recently, so we might as well discuss it here. Motion: none

Text (subject to change):

Dear members of the PPI,
First of all, hello and welcome to 2021; let’s hope it’s going to be a little bit better than 2020.
Second of all, we have two topics we would like to run past you and get your response to both of them:
1)      We would like to move ahead with collection of the last year’s membership fees, which are due this year. But as you know, since Munich 2018 General Assembly, setting of the fees for each member party has been simplified on one hand, but also made a bit less exact and more up to the parties than before.
Thus now we need your best estimate as to in which tier of the four-tier system passed in Munich do you see yourselves. We have our own estimates, but it’s definitely you who has the most current information.
The tiers are as follows, along with their descriptions:
We have a 4-Tier Membership Fee System. Each member category has a distinct affiliation fee payment. No member shall pay more than 2% of their previous annual income. The Four Tiers are as follows:
Mature members are Established members that also receive regular state funding, have elected officials at state or regional level, and/or have elected officials at local level who receive compensation. (fulfill at least two)
Established members are Emerging members that also have paying members and run for elections on a regular basis. (fulfill all)
Emerging members are Nascent members that also collect donations. (fulfill all)
Nascent members have regular statutory activities, such as general assemblies and run activism projects. (fulfill all)
Mature Tier pay 1000 euros.
Established Tier pay 185 euros.
Emerging Tier pay 50 euros.
Nascent Tier pay 0 euros.

--Add the spreadsheet with our estimate where each of the parties is. Also some shortening is needed.--

We would therefore liked to ask you to get back to us with the best estimate to which of the tiers do you consider your party to currently belong. Thanks.
2)      The second thing: We would like to pick your brain on how we should plan this year. There’s certainly going to be a General Assembly at the end of the year, as it always is, with elections and such. But just like last year, especially since the pandemic is still raging, we are thinking about one or two more General Assemblies to better keep in touch amongst ourselves.
Please, do let us know what would you think about that, if any additional GA’s are needed, how many and anything else you might think of. Your input is very important to us and we do not want to plan anything our members wouldn’t then like to participate in.

Thank you in advance for your reply and your time. Have a great day!
Bailey Lamon, PPI Chair
on behalf of the PPI Board

Manuel: I approve this draft.
Keith: Looks fine to me. It is a bit long. You should link to the fees in the wiki, with the link below.
Bastian has a table that he prepared. This should be added to the following Wiki link: -> this needs to be corrected with the numbers decided by the GA

Mature Tier pay 1000 euros. Established Tier pay 185 euros. Emerging Tier pay 50 euros.

5.2 - Working Groups Update

  • SCULL in a couple of weeks (end of Feb/early March)

5.3 Economic Update

  • Nothing new


  • Grounds passes
Keith: Carlos asked about grounds passes in Geneva.
Mike: I'll try asking for Geneva passes.
Gregory: the NY office is closed, the Geneva office and Vienna office are open for collections of UN Ground Passes.

5.5 PPI HQ update

  • Papers ready to be submitted. Get attachments (passport copies) and then pay (thru Gregory) when needed.

6 AOB - Any other business

  • BarCamp on the 27th (February social) 21.00 hrs. CET.
  • Did everyone read through the document from PPAT regarding the "unicorn case"?
  • Next Meeting: 10.03.2021, 13:00 UTC/14:00 CET/08:00 EST
  • Meeting Closed: 15:33