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Information on the Movement (in the future Party)
File:Sail-signet (white fill).svg
Name (abreviation): Piráti Racionalisti (PR)
Country: Slovakia
Status: active
Founded: -
Registered: 18.03.2012
Foundingplace: -
Slogan: „Pirates, under one sail, on the waves of changes.“
Members: 8 (31.03.2012)
Percentage of women: 40% Percent (31.03.2012)
Campaign finance: 0€
3 regional organizations
1 local organization
Headquarters: Piráti Slovensko
093 01 Vranov nad Topľou
phone: -
Press Contact:
Chairman: Marek Bujko
National board members: Viktória Pencáková
Marek Ivančák
International Coordinator:
Treasurer: -
Administrative executive: -
PR executive: -
International relations executive: -
Technical executive: -
Chairman of the audit commitee: -
Chairman of the arbitration committee: -
Chairman of the intangible assets law revision and freedom on the Internet committee: -
Chairman of the open administration and direct democracy committee: -
Chairman of the local politics committee: -

The Piráti Racionalisti (official abbrevation: PR) is the pirate movement of the Slovak Republic.


The Pirates Rationalists is an emerging political movement in the Slovak Republic, based on the model of the Swedish Pirate Party. The movement is not a member of the Pirate Parties International.



1. Create regional organizations in the country.

2. Help associations for direct democracy.


1. Privacy

Pirate Movement promotes respect for anonymity and better protection of human privacy. Indoor track, unreasonable police searches and interception of all communications are the means by which we reject the deployment. The prevailing mania of each monitor and control creates a climate of mistrust and fear that threatens our society far more than international terrorism. A free society in the past fought with the deployment of countless human lives. Only in the 20th century Czechoslovakia experienced a two totalitarian regimes, which were built in an atmosphere of fear and constant monitoring of people. Today's technologies make it possible to collect more personal data about where people move (toll, mobile phones, public transportation, smart cards) and what they do (cameras, Internet monitoring, credit cards, census). Where appropriate, these funds should not even be possible to monitor abuse. Although each step in policing can be convincingly justified, we Europeans know from experience where that road leads, and under no circumstances would not want to. To enhance privacy, we propose the following principles: Anonymity. We promote the right to anonymity. Where possible, it must be for equipment that allow tracking of people, guaranteed anonymity, tracking mode should be voluntary. Privacy. So watching people in public spaces only agree in clearly justified cases and in so far as necessary (jewelery, offices, parking etc.). People must be informed of the rules for use of personal data collected, the maximum retention period and disposal method. We refuse to be collected from the monitoring data on connection automatically. Security. Centralized database in state hands (eg health registers) pose a risk of leakage and misuse of sensitive data. We advocate that citizens have control over their data and the data were adequately secured. Safeguards against abuse. In addition, each was given time to learn that the individual was observed that a public body or over your personal data. In order to enhance privacy promote measures to reduce the rate of surveillance and wiretaps on acceptable minimum: Blanket ban on the monitoring of communications. The European directive on data retention orders and keep track of all data communications links and the movement of all mobile phones. In cooperation with other Pirate Party seeks the nullification of this Directive. Blanket ban on surveillance camera systems. Public spaces are filled with cameras that allow tracking, face identification and linking of data on shipments without such a policy intervention to be a serious reason. The analyzes also show that the presence of cameras has minimal effect on crime or just move it. Therefore, where appropriate, the police prefer to move the cameras to monitor the field. Review of unjust people or information about them. People have a right to personal security and privacy. Therefore not acceptable "preventive" checks, which are controlled by people for no apparent reason. Checks are accepted only when reasonable suspicion of an offense. The prohibition of biological and electronic snoop. Routine inspections shall not unreasonably interfere with human privacy, therefore we reject the "undressing" by electronic scanners, view the data on electronic devices and other similarly invasive procedures. We disagree with the broad-based collection of biological material of innocent citizens and its storage in central databases.

2. Freedom of information

A. silencing you, because I do not like what he says, is censorship. A: silencing you, because as I make more money is copyright. A: That's a big difference. B: Sure, when it comes to money, that's OK.

Prohibited the dissemination of information had in our history crucial, because the information violated the monopoly of totalitarian regimes. The published works of Comenius exile, samizdat writings of dissidents and spread the pirate radio broadcast occupied. In the information society of the 21st century, freedom of information is more important. Pirates represent the next generation, which must maintain its freedom! Freedom of information means the right person to use: Published articles, works of art, science and education materials, official documents, software, databases, manuals and other similar information recorded in digital form and to benefit from their use. Falls under freedom of information a) freedom of information to study and apply the knowledge derived therefrom b) freedom to disseminate information and c) freedom to process information and disseminate the processed information. Censorship is inadmissible. Restriction of freedom of information considered to be legitimate only in similar cases as a restriction on freedom of expression. A prosperous, democratic and transparent state leading the way right through freedom of information. Pirates promote that essential information is automatically published and to remove barriers to the dissemination of published information: PSI. For disclosure promotes Pirate Party model of transparent organization, whereby the authorities, hospitals, courts, land registry and other registries, research institutions, schools, libraries, public transportation, national parks etc. obligation to automatically access information in free format on the Internet. Will strengthen law enforcement information in order to ensure effective recovery of public funds invested. Reducing the information monopolies. Information monopoly prevents people disseminate and use information. Politicians joined the range of information monopolies, which allegedly motivated the creator, inventor and producer of active operations. In fact, the monopoly of corporations earning mostly individual, while the market as a whole because of the monopoly is failing (chicane SOZA, patent war orphan works). Our goal is to create an environment where motivation form goes hand in hand with freedom of information. Promote free of. Current preserve free licenses and we put in the public sector (study materials, photographs, documents, etc.) to start moving public sector to free software, a low security risk and threaten him to dependence on the supplier. Education. The long term, consider creating a free key for creative development and sharing of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support the education of students of all types of educational institutions and citizens in order to obtain a basic overview of what is right for information, which are free formats and free software. Further promote the digitization and public access to documents held by public libraries and archives. Rather, there shall be no automatic disclosure of public institutions to account information and can only expand publishers using expensive printing machines. Today, thanks to technology can create, publish and share information everyone. We believe that our system is freer and more democratic.

3. Political parties

Political positions are there for the elite. Options are there for those who want to legitimize the system. But state power is there for everyone! The functioning of political parties largely depends on the functioning of the whole country. Therefore, we promote transparent management of political parties, independent of business and political playing field in competition. Only under these assumptions can political parties operate in the public interest and contribute to the cultivation of the political environment. To ensure effective management control of political parties, electoral allowance will be paid only to political parties to apply transparent model of the organization. Today's post election will automatically be paid in full, but will only pay for the ceiling. The actual contribution will depend on the activity of small gifts, which a Party acquires from the citizens of the Slovak Republic. 1) Donations from individuals, so they benefited from links with business. A necessary condition of free competition of political parties is break ties in political campaigns, advertising agencies, which now control the public space. The Berlin model advocate the election campaign, which at the time of the election campaign public spaces available to the candidate parties for free promotion, but also set clear rules which limit the amount of advertising and ensure its removal after the election. If a political party violates the rules, is exposed to the threat of fines or the withdrawal of the electoral allowance. Political parties are one of the tools of social debate and ideological competition should be as open as possible. Under our Constitution, the political competition based on free competition of political parties to reject violence to enforce their interests. Therefore, we consider it unacceptable that political parties were disturbed for other reasons. We disagree with the barriers that prevent the formation of policy options and forcing to vote the old political structures. Preferential contribution of large electoral parties and closing clause required for admission to disrupt the House playing field of political competition. As a regulatory mechanism in these cases, just a natural threshold needed to obtain a mandate. For the same reasons we want to deposit money into parliamentary, European and senatorial elections to replace the petitions signed by a specified number of citizens who support the nomination. The parties in both elections will house the money, but people. We realize that the political parties to democratic functioning of society is not enough. Therefore, we enforce the related changes in freedom of expression and democracy, with greater involvement of citizens.

4. Rule of Law

A: Tie your laws are completely out of reality! B: Well? B: Only a criminal would have preferred a reality before the law!

Using new technologies radically improve the transparency of the law to match the quality requirements of a modern information society. A freely available application where people get access to all of the linked form. To increase the transparency of laws, people can comment on their origin and during their use. Today's rampant bureaucracy is the result of pressure of interest groups, which meets the lobbying and legal uncertainty. This situation can no longer repair patches, it requires fundamental changes the legislative process, publish a list of regulations that do not apply, make them available to people in a free Internet information system and to reform the law. Regulations must be formulated clearly and language perfectly, so that in aggregate shaped the comprehensive and consistent legal system. Each prescription must be indispensable, enforceable and reasonable. If these targets are not met, will be removed or replaced. Push a ban on limpet and the explanatory memorandum required for all proposals, as required by the democratic minimum. The legislative process must lead to a predictable political decisions. Slovak Pirate Movement: Pirates Slovakia supports a wide public debate on all proposed regulations by using information technologies. Involving people and civil society in consultations in the preparation of policies and regulations that apply to their comments. Set up an electronic system where the public can notify the unnecessary bureaucracy and lack of regulations, incentives will deal with the special committee of Parliament. Foster the availability and law enforcement. The law is for all available on the Internet, as well as all rules that have been published, and all rules that are under preparation. Of course there should be a uniform legal terminology with a glossary and networking with other regulations and case law. Let create free software that everyone had a chance to all regulations, including technical standards, download to your computer quickly and focus on them. With the ease of administration, computerize judiciary and setting penalties for delay significantly speed up the proceedings. Pirate Movement: Pirates Slovakia will introduce the professional law sanctions for officials who have the quality requirements of laws and decisions ignore, or decide against the law and case law of higher courts. We integrate the constitutional safeguards against misuse of public power, particularly the independence of the prosecution in order to be properly investigated crimes and seized property obtained by crime policy.


  • Mailinglist:
  • Email: - Info about PR
  • Press c.: - Info about PR for the media
  • Creator: Marek Bujko